David - Musings of an SRE

Speed up NPM install in Docker Containers

Speed up NPM install in Docker Containers

Getting Started with Jenkins using Docker

Getting Started with Jenkins using Docker

Installing Jenkins Plugins with their Dependencies in One Step

Installing Jenkins Plugins with their Dependencies in One Step

Hooking up Jekyll to Facebook Instant Articles

Hooking up Jekyll to Facebook Instant Articles

Playing around with Facebook's Instant Articles

Playing around with Facebook's Instant Articles

A Python RethinkDB walkthrough

A Python RethinkDB walkthrough

Event Loop Tasks

Event Loop Tasks

Packaging your Python Packages into PyPI (pip)

Packaging your Python Packages into PyPI (pip)

Installing GRPC, Protobuf and its dependencies for Python Development

Installing GRPC, Protobuf and its dependencies for Python Development

Debugging Websockets with wscat (Websocket CLI Terminal)

Debugging Websockets with wscat (Websocket CLI Terminal)

Converting KML into GeoJSON for Mongoimport & Querying

Converting KML into GeoJSON for Mongoimport & Querying

Debugging in Python

Debugging in Python

Understanding Python Decorators

Understanding Python Decorators

Running virtualenvwrapper with pyenv

Running virtualenvwrapper with pyenv

Installing pyenv - RVM for Python

Installing pyenv - RVM for Python