vpc on davidchua https://dchua.com/tags/vpc/ Recent content in vpc on davidchua Hugo -- gohugo.io en-us Thu, 21 Jul 2016 00:00:00 +0000 Setting Up Amazon VPC to VPC Peer Connection https://dchua.com/posts/2016-07-21-setting-up-amazon-vpc-to-vpc-peer-connection/ Thu, 21 Jul 2016 00:00:00 +0000 https://dchua.com/posts/2016-07-21-setting-up-amazon-vpc-to-vpc-peer-connection/ Need to communicate between 2 Amazon VPCs securely and privately? Here’s some of my notes on setting up a VPC Peer Connection. Prerequisite Ensure that your VPCs do not share the same CIDR block and can are in different subnets Link up Note, VPC Peering is one-way only so if you create a VPC peer connection from one VPC (lets call this A) and another VPC (B), only A will be able to communicate and access B.