David - Musings of an SRE
Howto: Multiple Redis Database for Different Rails Environment
Jul 30, 2013
Howto: Multiple Redis Database for Different Rails Environment
Redis::InheritedError during RSpec/Spork Testing
Jul 30, 2013
Redis::InheritedError during RSpec/Spork Testing
Loading 'deploy/assets' in Capistrano, automatically precompiles:assets
Jul 14, 2013
Loading 'deploy/assets' in Capistrano, automatically precompiles:assets
Testing PaypalExpress Gateway on ActiveMerchant
Jun 24, 2013
Testing PaypalExpress Gateway on ActiveMerchant
Custom Exception Handling
Mar 10, 2013
Custom Exception Handling
Speed up assets:precompile in Capistrano
Mar 2, 2013
Speed up assets:precompile in Capistrano
Pusher + Slanger - Publish away!
Jan 29, 2013
Pusher + Slanger - Publish away!
Bypassing mass-assignment protection in rake db:seed
Dec 19, 2012
Bypassing mass-assignment protection in rake db:seed
Some tips to deploying Rubber-powered EC2 Rails Apps
Jan 7, 2012
Some tips to deploying Rubber-powered EC2 Rails Apps
Rails 3.2 RC1 released!
Dec 20, 2011
Rails 3.2 RC1 released!
Rails 3.1x Migration Change
Dec 13, 2011
Rails 3.1x Migration Change
Omniauth - Easy Authentication for your Rails Projects
Feb 18, 2011
Omniauth - Easy Authentication for your Rails Projects
Create authlogic apps on Rails 3.x easily
Feb 7, 2011
Create authlogic apps on Rails 3.x easily
How to consume Project Nimbus dataservices in Ruby
Oct 13, 2010
How to consume Project Nimbus dataservices in Ruby
Viewing custom/default error pages on development mode
Mar 10, 2010
Viewing custom/default error pages on development mode
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