David - Musings of an SRE


How to set current_user in Tornado asynchronously

How to set current_user in Tornado asynchronously

Logging Tornado Logs To Graylog (with JSON)

Logging Tornado Logs To Graylog (with JSON)

A Python RethinkDB walkthrough

A Python RethinkDB walkthrough

Event Loop Tasks

Event Loop Tasks

Packaging your Python Packages into PyPI (pip)

Packaging your Python Packages into PyPI (pip)

Installing GRPC, Protobuf and its dependencies for Python Development

Installing GRPC, Protobuf and its dependencies for Python Development

Debugging Websockets with wscat (Websocket CLI Terminal)

Debugging Websockets with wscat (Websocket CLI Terminal)

Converting KML into GeoJSON for Mongoimport & Querying

Converting KML into GeoJSON for Mongoimport & Querying

Debugging in Python

Debugging in Python

Understanding Python Decorators

Understanding Python Decorators

Running virtualenvwrapper with pyenv

Running virtualenvwrapper with pyenv

Installing pyenv - RVM for Python

Installing pyenv - RVM for Python

Writing a Serverless Python Microservice with AWS Lambda and AWS API Gateway

Writing a Serverless Python Microservice with AWS Lambda and AWS API Gateway