Retrying GRPC Stream Pattern in Golang
When working on a single or bi-directional GRPC stream, the client needs to manage retries themselves when a stream loses connection due to disconnects.
Unlike unary RPC connections which connects/retries on a per-RPC basis, streams once connected do not have a process for retries automatically.
To better manage retries, after some experiments, this is a pattern I landed on that can be used when starting a new greenfield GRPC project.
import (
pb "path/to/protobuf"
// createStream creates a new bi-directional stream
func createStream(client pb.GatewayClient, ctx context.Context) (pb.Gateway_CommandStreamClient, error) {
stream, err := client.CommandStream(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Printf("creating stream: %#v", stream.Header)
return stream, nil
// handleStream takes in a GRPC Client (gateway) and handles retries as well as
// perform the various streaming activities
func handleStream(client pb.GatewayClient) {
var (
stream pb.Gateway_CommandStreamClient
err error
backoff = 1 * time.Second
ctx := context.Background()
for {
// Check if stream is nil or needs to be re-established
if stream == nil {
stream, err = createStream(client, ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to establish stream: %v. Retrying in %v...", err, backoff)
backoff = time.Duration(float64(backoff) * 1.5) // Exponential backoff
if backoff > 30*time.Second {
backoff = 30 * time.Second // Cap backoff
log.Println("Stream established")
// Receiving messages
msg, err := stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
// Handle stream errors
if status.Code(err) == codes.Unavailable {
log.Printf("Stream unavailable: %v. Reconnecting...", err)
stream = nil
continue // return back to the for loop
log.Fatalf("Stream receive error: %v", err)
// Process response
log.Printf("Received response: %s", msg.String())
By having a separate method handle the stream connection, it allows you to recreate a stream if during the course of the process, it receives a GRPC Error Code “UNAVAILABLE”.
This pattern allows the server to be disconnected and have the client reconnect automatically when the server returns online.