David - Musings of an SRE

Weekly Changelog for July 2024 Week 28

Weekly Notes

Currently thinking of setting up a GeoDNS service so that I can serve my stateless sites like Ping Everything Everywhere All At Once’s API server closer to the request. This way I can reduce the latency global users are experiencing when accessing our site right now (based in Singapore)

This is a dilemma for me because then I would be embarking on a new side quest that takes me away from building feature and selling the product. This little side maneuver might cost me about 1-2 weeks of time as I have to provision a new server in North America, configure a new BGP route, configure the DNS servers and deploy the applications concurrently in the new server.

Would you do it?

🌈 Changelog



  • Added description as a new form field when creating and updating Inputs
    • This allows users to add more descriptors and notes to an Input
  • Added the displaying of description when viewing all Inputs

Ping Everything Everywhere All At Once



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