David - Musings of an SRE

Weekly Changelog for June 2024 Week 26

Weekly Notes

This week, I have been toying with a new idea for a SaaS product targeted at solo entrepreneurs and small startup owners who want to quickly open up an email channel to receive feedback but don’t want to spend time (and money) configuring and setting up their email system.

This app would display all incoming emails belonging to the user’s domain name in a web inbox just by having the user point their MX record to the app’s servers.

Would you use it? Let me know in the comments below.

🌈 Changelog



  • A visual tweak was pushed to production which allows users to better view incoming webhook payloads with proper indentations. This fix removes the need to horizontally scroll to view a large payload.
  • Conducted an in-person demo to 2 potential users with valuable feedback gained.


  • Submitted the app to Saashub, hopefully this would drive some organic traffic over to the site.

The Little Host

  • We’ve purchased and deployed Directadmin onto our servers.
  • We also welcomed our first organic Managed VPS customer onto our servers! 🚀


  • Forked dominikbraun/timetrace to add support for annotating notes onto a running time-tracked record.
  • Fixed a couple of bugs on an open issue for one of my side opensource projects that has been left open for a few months.


  • Moved most of my personal and work documents onto the Johnny Decimal system.


🙀 Picks