David - Musings of an SRE

Hello Again!

Hello everyone!

Just wanted to say hi again. πŸ‘‹

Its been quite a while since my last post and an even longer time since I’ve actively write about what’s going on in my life and I thought this might be a good time to re-introduce myself.

Who Am I

  • πŸ‘‹ Hi, I’m David
  • 🌏 I live in the GMT+8 timezone
  • 🎞️ I’ve been online since the early 90s as a young kid
  • πŸ’Ό I’m a 15 YoE backend, infra, SRE, currently taking a short sabbatical to try to build a business again. Prior to working professionally, I’ve started a small webhosting company as a teenager and a small consulting company
  • 🏑 I run my own Autonomous System and most of my projects, on servers hosted in my homelab
  • πŸ’— I love everything relating tech infrastructure, cloud-native, building systems, devops, observability and engineer productivity
  • πŸ‘€ I’m interested in building infra-related tools and projects to bring down walled-gardens and to promote a free, decentralized and safe internet (web 1.0 roots)
  • πŸ› οΈ I’ve omostly write in golang now, and I’m excited to pick up a Beam VM language

What’s been going on

I’ve recently left my full-time job to return to building my own products and business again, after consecutively working for others since 2016. What was meant to be a short hiatus turned into eight years in the blink of an eye.

I have no regrets; the experiences I gained and the wonderful people I had the privilege of working with are absolutely priceless and something I hold closely to my heart.

What’s next

I’m currently a solopreneur (whatever that means) working on a couple of projects right now, and also taking the time to pick up skills and technologies that I never had a long enough stretch of time to learn while working full-time.

I’m also at the same time taking on consulting gigs in the DevOps space, so if anyone needs any adhoc DevOps work, like helping to reduce and manage your cloud costs, building observability tools, architecting your systems infrastructure, I’m available for hire. You can reach out to me here πŸ“¨

A lasting contact

I would like to restart writing here more regularly. If you like to continue to hear about me, please subscribe to my RSS feed or chat with me on https://x.com/davidchua