3D Printing and my Alma Mater - Singapore Polytechnic

Last week, I had the opportunity to drop by my Alma Mater where I’ve spent 3 years of my post-secondary school education picking up Electronics, Computer and Communication Engineering.

Its been a good 9 years since graduating and so much have changed. The buildings that I remember are mostly renovated (and is still renovating) and the entire campus is full of little construction sites, both demolition and construction.

I was in Singapore Polytechnic, not out of randomness but to exhibit Fabbox a cloud-based total 3D Printing solution that my cousin and his friends started. All of us, being formerly Singapore Polytechnic students, thought that the first place that we exhibit should be in our old school.

We were invited to exhibit as part of the Singapore Polytechnic Engineering Show 2014 and played host to many industry players from the manufacturing sector to our booth.

So much may have changed physically, but the engineering spirit of its students is still just as vibrant as 12 years ago when I first stepped in.