David - Musings of an SRE

Getting Passenger_pre_start to load Rails Apps on load

Getting Passenger_pre_start to load Rails Apps on load

Ruby Multithreading with Threadwait

Ruby Multithreading with Threadwait

User Agent Testing in Rack/Test

User Agent Testing in Rack/Test

Enable MySQL Slow Log Query without restarting

Enable MySQL Slow Log Query without restarting

Include Rack/Test to perform API Testing

Include Rack/Test to perform API Testing

Access your Raspberry Pi/UDOO via Serial

Access your Raspberry Pi/UDOO via Serial

In OSX, SD Card transfers can be painfully slow

In OSX, SD Card transfers can be painfully slow

Format strings dynamically in ruby

Format strings dynamically in ruby

Got the Adafruit PiTFT Working

Got the Adafruit PiTFT Working

SSH Portforwarding

SSH Portforwarding

Carrierwave Fog - Need a local file? Use Cache!

Carrierwave Fog - Need a local file? Use Cache!

Sum up array contents with a simple method

Sum up array contents with a simple method

Rack Multipart HTTP upload

Rack Multipart HTTP upload

Add text to end of multiple line - vim

Add text to end of multiple line - vim

Better Errors not working over Vagrant

Better Errors not working over Vagrant