David - Musings of an SRE

Figure out which DNS server you are using

Figure out which DNS server you are using

Link your custom app to your Gnome Applications

Link your custom app to your Gnome Applications

Authenticating with Pagekite API using Ruby

Authenticating with Pagekite API using Ruby

MySQL backup process

MySQL backup process

Configure legacy timestamp attributes in Activerecord

Configure legacy timestamp attributes in Activerecord

Equivalent of try() for hashes? - Ruby

Equivalent of try() for hashes? - Ruby

Migrating from utf8 to utf8mb4 in MySQL

Migrating from utf8 to utf8mb4 in MySQL

DRY your ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear in RSpec tests

DRY your ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear in RSpec tests

Testing with Rack-test custom headers

Testing with Rack-test custom headers

Things to do with a new Ubuntu Installation

Things to do with a new Ubuntu Installation

X11 forwarding over remote SSH tmux

X11 forwarding over remote SSH tmux

Creating a custom jekyll-markdown snippet

Creating a custom jekyll-markdown snippet

Creating my first Rack Middleware with Rack::ContentLength

Creating my first Rack Middleware with Rack::ContentLength

Stub a Rails Environment in RSpec

Stub a Rails Environment in RSpec

Add leading zeroes in Ruby

Add leading zeroes in Ruby